Blogging for Beginners – Try These Tips! Part 2

Blogging for Beginners - How to Start Blogging Several choices exist for the blogging beginner - Use a simple multi-user blog publishing free site like This is the simplest, least expensive option but also the least effective and riskiest unless you use it just for creating backlinks. It can be very useful for that purpose. Those backlinks can help you rank higher on the search … [Read more...]

Blogging For Beginners! Try These Tips!

Blogging for Beginners - A Two Part Series Millions of people out there right now are harnessing the power of the Internet in order to drive their businesses. While many are paying hundreds of dollars for custom-designed websites, others are going the DIY route and are opening blogs. A blog can be a low-cost way to easily get your information out there, but it still needs to be done correctly. … [Read more...]